How many times have you made a mental note to call someone, only to forget all about it and realize at the end of the day that you failed to make that important call or answer someone who left a message for you on your phone? This has ultimately happened to me a lot of times, but the PhoneSheet for BlackBerry app wants to mange your calls so that this won’t happen ever again.
What happens is I make a mental note to give the other person a ring back, and just forget about it as work and task after task piles up for me during the day.
This has resulted in a lot of hassles, delays, misunderstandings, and miscommunication–all of which can be avoided and eliminated, had I remembered to make this call. By managing them with the PhoneSheet, the number of literal missed calls you’ll be having will also dwindle down.
PhoneSheet is a simple, reliable and secure call management solution to avoid lost messages and forgotten follow-ups. The app works to keep you in sync with your account or as a standalone product.
PhoneSheet seamlessly integrates with the BlackBerry® phone call process prompting users to track their message without having to think about it. And its access to the address book means most of the message is already pre-populated. Managing phone messages couldn’t easier.
Users have total access to their PhoneSheet online and can give access to multiple users from multiple locations to make updates. PhoneSheet’s synchronized database will constantly maintain the message sheet making it a must-have mobile CRM tool for the professional on the go.